Advanced Riding Training Tours

As part of our commitment to help riders get the most from their riding, as well as helping them improve their riding skills we run a couple of extra special events each year – our “Training Tours”.

These include stays in good quality hotel(s) in the heart of spectacular riding country, where we will relax in the evenings reflecting on the day’s riding over dinner and drinks.

Group on Training Tour

Anatomy of a Training Tour

Before the tour we hold an online participants’ meeting, where you will get to meet your fellow riders as well as allowing us chance to run through the structure of the tour in more detail. Prior to the meeting we will have issued a “Participant’s Guide” which provides full details of the tour and how it operates.

We provide participants with their own “route notes” and GPS route files including waypoints for our re-group points, so we don’t need to ride as one big group. This allows riders to ride at their own pace in small groups or on their own, and to focus on their own riding rather than trying to keep up with others.

During the day, our instructor(s) will provide individual coaching sessions, helping each rider put the advanced riding theory into practice. At each regroup point the instructor will provide feedback to help riders further develop their skills as they continue the journey, before swapping to coach another rider.

In the evening there will also be a short re-cap of the day’s ride and the key learning points from the day, before we head out for dinner and a relaxing drink. Throughout the evening, our instructor(s) will also be om hand to discuss any aspect of the day’s ride.

After a hearty breakfast the next day begins with a pre-ride briefing before repeating the process above – and with a route chosen for its scenic beauty as well as its great roads the riding is bound to be enjoyable as well as educational!

When the tour is over, we will send you an individual riding report, outlining the key learning points from the tour, as a reminder of what you have learnt and making suggestions for further improvement.

What is included?

Included in our Training Tours:

  • Pre-Tour Online Briefing Meeting and Participant’s Guide
  • Daily Route Notes including points of interest and location of regroup points
  • GPS route files (a GPS is recommended but not essential)
  • Accommodation at a good quality hotel on a bed & breakfast basis
  • Daily pre-ride briefing
  • Daily post-ride briefing
  • At least two individual 1:1 coaching sessions
  • Post trip Ride Report
  • Services of our qualified advanced riding instructor throughout the training tour

2025 Training Tours

We are planning a full programme of advanced riding training tours running throughout 2025, which currently includes:

  • Scottish Borders – Easter Weekend, Friday 18th to Monday 21st April
  • Best of Wales – Friday 9th – Sunday 11th May
  • Wallonia (Belgium) – Friday 11th to Saturday 19th July
  • Scottish Highlands – Thursday 25th to Monday 29th September

If you are interested in any (or all!) of the above tours, please drop us an email to to ensure you get on the list for when the tour booking opens!

2024 Training Tours

Paul was away a lot in 2023, including leading 2 tours to South America for Globebusters, and for 2024 he was asked to put on a special tour to Scotland for some American friends (surname McDonald!) and so with that in mind we took the decision not to organise any Training Tours in 2024.

2023 Training Tours

We are delighted to announce that 2023 will see us once again offer our ever-popular Training Tours, with 2 very different tours planned.The first is a 3-day tour that takes in the best roads in mid and north Wales – I know they’re the best roads because I’ve spent the last 3 years riding around Wales whenever I got the chance! The second is a longer, 5-day, tour around the highlands and islands of Scotland, again taking in some epic roads, including the infamous “Pass of the Cattle” to Applecross and the best bits of the NC500!

Details can be found at the links below, but be quick and book as places are strictly limited to 8 bikes (pillions welcome!):

To book your place on either tour, or for more information, call Paul on 07747 761059 or email now!

2023 Sight-seeing Tours

By special request, 2023 will also see us launch a new type of tour, with more emphasis on sight-seeing and with more time to visit the sights en-route.

The first of these is our Round Ireland Tour, taking in both Northern Ireland and Eire. Unfortunately, this tour is already SOLD OUT for 2023, but if you are interested in joining us in 2024, drop an email to

Past Training Tours

We  have been running our Training Tours since 2017 and believe that we have not only found the perfect balance of training and riding, but have developed some great routes, selected some fantastic hotels and found some great restaurants (particularly the Indian in Ayr on our Scotland Highlands and Islands tour!). The greatest measure of our success is the fact that our tours always sell out – and that many of the people booking have been on one (or more!) of our tours before!